Welcome to Raising Awe-Seekers!

Nothing excites my imagination more than child development. Helping kids grow is messy, poignant, and gobsmackingly awesome.

Kids and teens are my life. I’ve spent:

Basically, I want parents to feel a little more confident and a little less alone.

My favorite topic these days is awe and wonder. Okay, that’s been my favorite topic since I was a child — I just didn’t have a name for it. Now I do, and I’ve spent three years researching how the science of wonder supports the outcomes we want for our kids.

So that’s what this newsletter is about: stories, research, journal entries, book recs, interviews — all about how to bend our kids’ worlds towards wonder. Join me?

About Deborah Farmer Kris

Deborah Farmer Kris is a child development expert and the author of "Raising Awe-Seekers: How the Science of Wonder Helps Our Kids Thrive,” the I See You board book series, and the All the Time picture book series. Her bylines include CNN, PBS KIDS, NPR’s Mindshift, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe Magazine, and Oprah Daily. Deborah is currently an expert advisor for the PBS KIDS show, “Carl the Collector,” and spent 20+ years as a K-12 educator. Mostly, she loves sharing nuggets of practical wisdom that can make the parenting journey a little easier.

Subscribe to Raising Awe-Seekers

Exploring how the science of wonder can help us thrive.


Author of "Raising Awe-Seekers: How the Science of Wonder Can Help Our Kids Thrive" * Bylines: PBS KIDS, Washington Post, Oprah Daily, Boston Globe Mag, CNN, NPR's MindShift, etc. * Advisor for PBS KIDS' "Carl the Collector." Mom of tween and teen!