Thanks for this! I think this is the first time I’ve seen the term “overfunctioning.” I have no doubt it’s a gendered and socialized phenomenon I’ve been trained not to see. Do you have any recs for where to learn more about how to recognize it in yourself?
"MY" classroom vs. "OUR" classroom. Powerful stuff here. Hoping you'll put out a list of practical tips for letting go of "over-functioning" and helping the kids be more active and feel more ownership in the running of the family.
Love this point!
Thanks, Cara!
Thanks for this! I think this is the first time I’ve seen the term “overfunctioning.” I have no doubt it’s a gendered and socialized phenomenon I’ve been trained not to see. Do you have any recs for where to learn more about how to recognize it in yourself?
"MY" classroom vs. "OUR" classroom. Powerful stuff here. Hoping you'll put out a list of practical tips for letting go of "over-functioning" and helping the kids be more active and feel more ownership in the running of the family.